Sariana Sariana, Suci Destriatania, Fatmalina Febry


Background: Hypertension is one of the popular intermediate  factor in the incidence of chronical disease (WHO). The highest prevalence of hypertension in the world is in Africa, namely 46% of the total adult population. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia 25,8% and the prevalence of hypertension in South Sumatera 26,1%. Seri Tanjung village has the highest number of cases of hypertension in Ogan Ilir District per December 2013, ie 173 cases (LB1). The aim studi is analyze modifiable risk factors on incidence of hypertension.

Method: This study was a quantitative research design cross-sectional using analytical survey methods. The study samples were 76 people, which are collected by purposive sampling technique, with the inclusion criteria ≥20 years old and were not taking anti-hypertensive drugs and exclusion criteria of age <20 years old. The analysis were  performed univariate, bivariate analysis using Chi-Square test with the alternatives test, and multivariate using Logistic Regression test.

Result: Sodium intake has a significant relationship with the incidence of hypertension in the Seri Tanjung village (p value=0,006; PR=0,202, 95% CI 0,050-0,809). Result of multivariat analysis showed that the variables that have the strongest association with the occurrence of significance of hypertension in the Seri Tanjung village is gender (p value=0,005; PR=21,269) and sodium intake (p value=0,006; PR=0,054).

Conclusion: The factors that can be modified in incidence of hypertension in Seri Tanjung village is sodium intake. Suggestion of this research is to promote the socialization  about the importance of cultivating  Kadarzi and applying PUGS in daily life, as well as modifying the sodium intake be within the safe limits.

Keywords: Hypertension, modifiable risk factors, Seri Tanjung

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