dina fitriana rosyada, Savitri Citra Budi


Background: One of the efforts to improve social welfare for elderly is to provide health services. The coverage of the utilization of elderly patient care at Nanggulan public health center is still low. The low coverage is certainly caused by the fundamental things related to the selection of health care facilities such as the existence of cost considerations, patient expectations and satisfaction on quality health service facilities. The objectives of this research is to analyze the influence of the fundamental reasons for the selection of health service facilities at Nanggulan public health center towards participation in the elderly program.

Methods: The type of research is observational analytic research with cross sectional study design. The sample size of this study is 50 elderly. The sample size is calculated using random sampling technique. The dependent variable of the research is the participation of the lansia elderly program and the independent variables of the study are cost consideration, patient expectation and satisfaction of service quality at Nanggulan public health center.

Results: The analysis statistic used logistic regresion, the variables that influence the utilization of elderly health service program at Nanggulan Community Health Center are the variable of patient satisfaction.

Conclusion: The elderly choose Nanggulan public health center used health but their participation do not affect in elderly program because of the access factor factor or the distance of the house with Nanggulan Health Center involvement of elderly programme was influenced by service satisfaction.

Keywords: Elderly program participation, elderly service usage, improvement of elderly welfare.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26553/jikm.2018.9.1.11-20


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