Suwarno Suwarno, Zahroh Shaluhiyah, Priyadi Nugraha Prabamurti


Background: Adolescent women of concern because their numbers are great and are more vulnerable to the risk of disorders of reproductive health. Leaflets and flipcharts is a media that can be used as a medium of education in increasing the health knowledge and attitudes of adolescents on the use of the genital organ health and toilet. This research aims to analyze the influence of the educational use of the genital organ health and toilet with media leaflets and flipcharts to  knowledge and attitudes

Methods: The method of this research is quasi experimental design with non-equivalent  control group  design. Sample research amounted to 105 grade VII junior high school in Grobogan is divided  in purposif  into three groups.

Results: The results showed that the average score of the group knowledge leaflets  increased 7.86  and  flipcharts increased 4.57. The average  score  increased  leaflet 7.00  Group attitudes  and flipcharts  increased 3.85. Statistically, leaflet (p=0.000) and flipcharts (p=0,022) are effective in increasing knowledge and attitudes about the use of education and health of genital organs toilet between before and after the intervention.

Conclusion: health and educational Institutions should actively promotes and develops media leaflets and  flipcharts as information communication program implementation related reproductive health Education in schools

Keywords: Leaflets, flipcharts, the use of the genital organ health, toilet


DOI: 10.26553/jikm.2017.8.3.192-199


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